Seulement Series:

1: Seulement ... Dans Mes Rêves

Title: Dans Mes Rêves
Author: brightbeak
Author's e-mail: brightbeak @ -or- brightbeak @
Author's URL:
Date: Posted to EntSTSlash Oct 21, 2003
Archive: Permission to archive granted to EntSTCommunity
Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Category: Slash
Rating: PG-13
Status: This story is complete.  The series is not.
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Summary: Malcolm ponders
Warnings: - none -
Series: Seulement Series
Sequel to: is first in series
Beta: the mgnificent kyrdwyn
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Paramount owns them, I just play in the sandbox.
Author Notes: first posted fic in this fandom, and it's kyr's reward for guessing something :)


Dans Mes Rêves

I can’t have him any other way.
Only in my dreams.
The one place his arms can enfold me.
The one place we can love.
In my dreams there is no rank.
He’s not my captain.
He can be my lover, not just my friend.
In reality, he can barely be my friend.
Captains must order crew into dangerous situations.
Maybe even risk death.
How does one order a friend to die?
Even worse, how does one order his lover to die?
Until this is over, I can barely be a friend.
Certainly not his lover.
My job is to protect others.
To give my life if need be.
So, my sanctuary is in my dreams.
To there I retreat.
To his arms.
To his love.
Awaiting the day dreams become reality.

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